Thursday, March 30, 2006

Discovering a new corner in my old room

yesterday i discovered a new corner in my room atpune. somehow i had never seen it during the 6monthsthat i spent there. as expected it was in one of thecorners of the room. when i went there what i foundwas quite familiar but something that i had alwaysmissed in pune. there was loneliness out there.
u know when i reached pune i was expecting everyoneto be there. let me tell u, we used to be 8 peoplestaying there. but when i entered there was just onefellow there. everyone else had left for their homes.and that person too was leaving the next day(today). ijust cant tell u what i felt at that moment, used tostaying with 7 others and now marooned on an island,surrounded on all sides by loneliness.
but then there was something to cheer abt too. wheni entered my room, all papers and chits were scatteredaround on the floor. and it was a great feeling topick them up one by one and then re-living those timesall over again. plz note that most of the chits datedback to our early days in pune, written for somereason or the other. and not to forget there was thatodour that is always associated with places. i dontknow whether u have ever felt the same abt places. themoment i entered my room the odour took me a fewmonths back in time. and all those events seemed as if they were a story of yesterday.

(written sometime in Feb '02)


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