Sunday, March 29, 2009

Love v/s Fear

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. So what do you do? Wait till the perpetrators run out of stones? I don’t think that’s the solution. The answer is blind the inflictor before he can blind someone else.

We are a species like any other on this planet. It’s in our genes that the main goal is survival. Most of our efforts are directed towards overcoming and preparing for the adversaries. You change when you feel you can no longer survive. Hence fear is a driving force in bringing about a change. When you fear that you might perish, you consciously or inadvertently change.

People say love can change the world. Well, it might but then you won’t be here to witness it. And by the time the love that counters today’s hatred starts working; the hatred might have evolved and might become immune to this love. Love might be the medicine but we always have medicines for yesteryears diseases.

How do we do pest control? Do you feed the pests until their conscience wakes up and they feel that they should leave us alone? Can we wait until they say ‘oh we have been so wrong but you changed us and now are going’? We need to bloody kill them. They need to experience the fear that if they continue to stay in our houses they might get killed.

They say you feed love and love grows, you feed hatred and hatred grows. I agree to this completely. If you want the good to out last the bad it’s very essential that you discourage the bad. For crops to grow you need to remove the weeds. Weeds are not just bad people they are also bad attributes in a person.

- (written 29th Mar 09)

Friday, March 06, 2009


There are some feelings that are always within you but it’s not easy putting them on the table. Probably you can’t explain as to why you feel a certain way but you know that this feeling is there deep inside you. You fear expressing them lest they would change over time.

I know there’s someone who loves me truly. Many a times I feel the same. But then I have this fear inside me. I fear that probably someday my love would change; it won’t remain the same. I would be the reason for someone losing faith in love.

Does truth change over time? Maybe not, but I know my love would. Maybe it’s not true then. And it’s going to be instrumental in contaminating someone’s love. At some point of time I might make her believe that there’s nothing as true love.

That’s the reason it’s said that undisclosed & unrequited love is the truest. When you don’t disclose, the feeling just remains within you and never seem to get over it. I.e. it remains fresh and pure forever.

Love is probably like a scent that vaporises if kept open. But then if enclosed you would never know how sweet it is. So it’s for you to decide what you want to do with these feelings.

(written 07 Mar 09)