Its difficult to plan trips when a lot of people are involved. At one moment you could have 15 people and at the other moment the count can reduce to 5. Knowing that its essential to wear the right mask at the right time you can expect a lot of people working during the weekends towards the end of March. We however, survived all such scares; on the contrary instead of an initial figure of 15 we had 21 people turning up for the trip.
We had planned a trek to Vasota fort in Satara district. It wasn’t only a trek but also involved crossing through a wildlife sanctuary. That meant there was a possibility of watching some wildlife like black panthers, bears that were said to dwell in that sanctuary. One more crowd puller was that girls were going to be part of the trek. Whatever the reasons there was a great amount of enthusiasm about the trek.
The group assembles at Sasken Pune office
Though 4am was supposed to be the starting time we invariably got late and the journey started at around 5am.
We headed for Satara where we were going to have breakfast and also pick up lunch for the day from Sawanta’s home. Antakshari was a major activity during our bus journey.
Antakshari in full swing
We had our breakfast at some local stalls at Satara. Time was around 9am.
Breakfast time
We also had a look at an old court nearby.
Only time would decide the fate of this court
From here another 2 hours of bus journey took us to the banks of Koyna dam’s backwaters. We reached here around 11:30am.
Near the backwaters
We bade goodbye to our bus here. A motorboat ride of about 2 hours took us to the starting point of our trek. The motorboat went winding through the mountains.
Water carves its way through the mountains
Finally we landed from the motorboat and started our trek at around 1pm.
The trek starts...
The road ahead wasn’t all that easy. It was paved with stones and walking over them was a struggle.
The road ahead
But stopping was beyond question. We hadn’t come so far to get deterred by such obstacles.
The march continues
We did take occasional halts.
Catching breath
We had our lunch around 3:30pm.
Lunch time
And then a power nap
Post lunch nap
But now the climb gets steeper and the Lakshya is still far off
Wo raha hamara lakshya!
It seemed like we would never make it.
Strength and will were dying out
But finally we made it. Nothing is beyond us if we decide to achieve it! We reached around 5pm
Triumph at last
After that we had a refreshing cup of tea. After that began the preparations for dinner. We had plans of making Khichdi. Of course majority of us had plans of only eating it.
Dinner getting cooked
In the mean time campfire was getting ready.
Campfire in the making
Many a times cooking is simpler than eating what you have cooked. But here it wasn’t the case and the food was good.
After dinner we assembled around the campfire and everyone gave some or the other performance. Most of us opted to sing and we discovered that there were good singers amongst us. We also realized that we should avoid personal calls from our extensions.
Shailendra sings 'kahin door jab...'
Before the campfire Viru and Ganesh supposedly saw a black coloured animal a few metres from the place we had camped. The animal didn’t have eyes nor did it leave it pugmarks. May be the secret of this mysterious animal would get unveiled in our next visit to Vasota.
Now we needed to catch up on some sleep. We already had a hard day and possibly a harder day awaited us. We slept in a cave; it was as if a time machine had taken us back in time. We slept around 12am.
Iss raat ki subah nahi
When we woke up the next day a phenomenal sight was in the offering. Possibly nature wanted to reward us for all the hard work we had done.
Never seen anything like this before
Neither anything like this
Then it was time to move on. Our next destination was Vasota fort. We started for Vasota fort around 10am on Sunday.
Udya pahate doosrya waata dujya gaav cha waara
The previous evening yet another group had made an attempt to go to Vasota but had aborted the mission since they heard the cries of wild animals on the way. There’s nowhere to go if an animal attacks. On one side there’s jungle and on the other side deep valley. This news thrilled us (a chance to see some wildlife) as well as made us cautious (it could well be the last time we see a wild animal).
This time we soon realized the trek wasn’t going to be easy. The road was slippery and a wrong foot meant a visit to the valley. Also we needed to move together to prevent attacks from wild animals.
Watch your step!
Mission Impossible?
At one point we needed to enter the jungle. The jungle wasn’t all that dense but still it was a jungle and wild animals inhabited it.
Enter the jungle
We made good progress in the sense that the number of halts was very few. But we needed one; it felt like we had walked across half the globe. And then a board told us that we had only walked 3 kms!
Please remove this, its discouraging!
We had been crossing the jungle for quite some time now and still there were no signs of any wild life. Just then we spotted something strange.
Can you classify this creature?
We reached the Vasota fort around 2pm. We refilled our water bottles and also had light lunch.
We had come a long way
And so had the gods...
Time for a group photo
Now it was time for the return journey. This is the worst part of any trek. But that’s life need to face it.
We landed at that riverbank on Saturday afternoon
We were running behind time and needed to hurry up. The motorboat was scheduled to come at 3pm and we started our descent from the Vasota fort well past 2pm. On the way back we finally did manage to spot a snake and everyone wanted to take a snap of that snake.
Beware! Its poisonous
On the way back we saw what people said was a tiger’s dwelling.
Tiger's dwelling
We reached the banks at around 4pm. Here we a black animal. There were a lot of speculations about what that animal was. Some said it was a fox; some called it a black panther while some thought it was the same animal that Viru and Ganesh had seen the previous night.
Fox or a black panther?
It was a great trek that wouldn’t have been possible without our guide Ananda. Without him it would have been impossible to find our way through the jungle and select the right routes. Possibly he wouldn’t even know how helpful he was.
Ananda had played his part
We had our dinner on the way to Pune and then by the time we reached back to office it was 12am. And then there was a sickening realization that the next day we had office. Unfortunately, what we do to earn a living is different than what makes life worth living.
- (written 5th Apr'07)